Welcome to the Ts’il Kaz Koh Planning Hub!

Ts’il Kaz Koh’s is undertaking two major planning projects over the next several months

These two projects - the Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) and the Traditional Territory Stewardship Plan (TTSP) - will provide an opportunity for Ts’il Kaz Koh members to come together as a community and Nation to craft a shared vision for the future and an action plan for achieving that vision.

What is a CCP?

Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) – an overarching guiding plan that focuses on all aspects of community wellbeing including health, governance, culture, the economy, lands, people, places and programs.

What is TTSP?

Traditional Territory Stewardship Plan (TTSP) – a more specific plan that is focused on land use and stewardship. It will provide direction on the management of lands and resources based on Ts’il Kaz Koh interests and expectations.

Together, these two plans will provide a strong foundation for moving forward with community development and land stewardship initiatives that support the priorities identified by community members during these planning processes.

Who is involved in this planning process?

Input from ALL Ts’il Kaz Koh community members is needed to ensure that both the CCP and the TTSP reflect the voice and vision of the community.

Engagement will focus on reaching the following groups:

  • Elders

  • Youth

  • Members living in community (on-reserve)

  • Members living outside Ts’il Kaz Koh (off-reserve)

  • Leadership (Chief & Council, Hereditary Leaders)

  • Staff

How can you get involved?

There will be many opportunities throughout this project to get involved! Several in-person community open houses and focus groups will be held in Burns Lake, Vancouver and Kelowna at each stage of the project. Reminders will be posted on the Ts’il Kaz Koh Facebook page, here on the website and through the Ts’il Kaz Koh email list.

Questions? Comments? Feedback?

Please reach out to Sarah Green:

Land Based Coordinator - landbased@tsilkazkoh.ca